Monday, October 3, 2011

Carnival in Rio de Janeiro

                                                                                    A float commonly seen in the celebration with
                                                                                           people dancing and celebrating there

Carnival was originated by a celebration that the Romans started called Saturnalia. An in this Roman holidays masters would release there salves and let them dress in their clothes, eat their food, drink their wine and the masters would act like a slave for that day. So now it is carried down though many generations, races, and cultures who have each added a little bit of what they feel is a break from a year of good behavior.

An example of the decidinet costumes used by peformers dance in on and around the floats.

Carnival in Rio de Janeiro Brazil takes place in 4 days 40 days before Easter. Starting on Saturday and ending on fat Tuesday also when it comes to Carnival it is a way for Brazilians to celebrate their culture. It consists of interactive floats, performers dancing on the floats, performers acting in unison in all directions of the street around the floats.
Music coming from the floats, applause and singing along with music. Crowds pond crowds of people arm to arm huddled around the streets to the floats pass by. All being judged by the performances they put out, the design of the floats, the originality of float concept, costumes, and music. Each item listed has its own category so one winner is picked for each and the grand prize best in show wins a very hefty prize money.  

When you see a performance of Carnival in Rio de Janeriro some things to expect are to be standing somewhere in the Sambadrommo sound rounded by enthusiastic people. Loud music from floats and performers on the streets in and around the floats and the fans in the audience. A very festive live crazy fun party atmosphere, also judging of the floats on many characteristic some categorizes are is concept, music, performers, costumes, and float deigns. 


Kershner,Geoffrey."Preformance Tradition", Dramatic Appreciation 02 Class. Daytona State College, Daytona Beach, Fl. 29 September 2011.

Luis Sergio, File:Carnival_in_Rio_de_Janeiro.jpg, Wikipedia, Feb.2006

Rio Carnival Serives, Lonely Planet,

SacramentoSettler, "Carnaval in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil~ 2010! (Part One)", Youtube , March 18,2006,

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer,

    This is complete but I would love for you to move a little more beyond my lecture. There is some new info here but not a lot. Dig a little deeper. Focus a little more on your next post.
