Saturday, November 19, 2011

Reasons to be Pretty

Script Analysis  

1. Identify the MAJOR CONFLICT of the play. This is between two characters or a character and a group of characters or force.

 The major conflict of the play was between Greg and Steph all because Greg decided to open his mouth and say something without thinking one night after a few beers in a friend’s garage.

2. Identify what these characters REPRESENT.

Greg – laid back, calm               Steph- tense, insecure

3. Identify the TURNING POINT of the major conflict. This is the point of no return. At this point in the story the protagonist and the antagonist are destined to reach the climax of the story.

The turning point I feel was when Steph and Greg met at the mall and Greg had brought flowers and was trying to be nice to win Steph back. While the whole time Steph was mad, but when Steph pulled out a list she had made of all Greg’s flaws and read it aloud to the mall she destroys what little love he had left for her.

4. Identify the CLIMAX of the major conflict. This is the height of the conflict. There is no where else for it to go and it breaks open, explodes, or dies. Be as specific as possible. Write the scene number and describe the specific moment.

The climax of the play was when Steph ended up bumping into Greg at the restaurant where Steph was on a date and Greg was going to meet Kent and Chrissie the girl who he was cheating on his wife Carly with who is Steph’s best friend. Well it is here that Steph tries to ask if he is meeting a girl and when he tells her no and asks her the same she tries to dodge the question but it comes out and then an argument and Steph then slaps Greg across his face which is the last straw and now she has moved on.

5. Identify the RESOLUTION of the conflict. The conflict comes to a conclusion. Be as specific as possible. Write the scene number and describe the specific moment.

 Is when Steph goes to Greg job to tell him that she is engaged but she also had an alerter motive as well she came to tell him that when ever she talks to her fiance that she just keeps pictures Greg and not him but her head tells her to forget it but her heart is torn.

6. Identify the FINAL ACTIONS of the two figures involved in the major conflict. Then explain its significance.

Greg:  Sigh and lays down on the couch in the break room at his job. He hears the buzzer for his break to over and he then flips the bird in the air. He realizes that the woman he still has feeling for has really moved on and he lost.

Steph: Hugs Greg and starts to cry and then pulls away and tries to hide her tears and basically runs off the stage. She knows in her heart that she still loves Greg but in head the best thing is Jeff her future husband. And it leaves her emotionally torn between the two but she doesn’t pick Greg.

7. Identify each of the characters' (in the major conflict) over all OBJECTIVES. This is a want that drives them all the way through the play. Keep this active and playable for an actor. Think of action verbs.

Greg wants  ordinary. Steph  wants  extraordinary.

8. Identify the SUBJECT of the play. Force yourself to one word.

 The subject of Reason to be Pretty is about insecurity .

9. Identify the IDEA of the play.

In my opinion the idea of the play is that women are a blessing and a curse. That no matter how much you may love a person words can hurt and even destroy a relationship. And the saying should be sticks and stones make break my bones but words do hurt me too.

10. Write a short paragraph, 75 to 100 words that describes what the play is ABOUT to you and what it conveys. This is your interpretation of the over all meaning of the play FOR YOU.

The overall meaning of the play for me I feel it close to home for me all little because I’m sorry but all men I feel open there mouth a little too much when they get a few drinks in them. And it is hurtful and can make you second guess yourself when the person who you love and they tell you every day that they love you as well can be so harsh and do something as rash as to compare you to another woman. But yet he rarely complements you, so why it that he can be so quick to compare.